Keep Roaches Away To Avoid Failing a Pest and Termite Inspection
One of the biggest pests that makes businesses fail pest and termite inspections is the cockroach. Getting rid of these critters is not an easy task whether at home or on your business premises. Depending on how severe your infestation is, you could be dealing with hundreds or even thousands of roaches. The best way to avoid this situation is to keep the cockroaches off in the first place. A roach infestation can be quite difficult to spot in the light of day. This is because during the daytime, these pests hide in cracks and other dark crevices to avoid the light. You are most likely to spot signs of their infestation at night when they venture out to forage. Pest inspection companies like Inspect East not only help identify current infestations; they can also help you prevent future infestations.
So what are some of the things you can do to avoid introducing roaches into your premises?
- Ensure all cracks and conduits that lead from the outdoors into a home or building have been sealed.
- Invest in some weather stripping that should be applied on all your doors and windows.
- When introducing anything that has been in storage to your premises, ensure that the items are opened and the packaging emptied outside. This minimises the chances of their eggs making way into your premises.
- Keep shrubbery around the premises trimmed. This increases the amount of light and air circulation around the building. In addition, it minimizes the amount of foliage that could provide great hiding places for the roaches.
- Fix any plumbing leaks that you may have on the premises. Roaches can survive on water alone. Sources of free moisture will enable them to develop into an infestation within no time.
Another factor that promotes the onset of a roach infestation is availability of food to them. This does not mean large amounts of food. A regular supply of crumbs and droplets of water is sufficient for them to survive and keep breeding on the premises. This is why most restaurants have a tough time of eliminating these pests. If you would like to ensure that they do not invade your place of business and risk failing a pest inspection, there are a few things you can do
- Invest in insect proof containers for your business. These glass jars and plastic containers tend to be airtight and will not be breeched by the roaches.
- Store trash in airtight containers. In addition to this, use liners in your bins to avoid the accumulation of crumbs. When taking out the trash, ensure they are a safe distance away from the premises while awaiting collection.