Pest Control: The Dangers of a Housefly Infestation
A single housefly can be annoying. However, if you notice that there are several houseflies inside your home, you must take action to deal with the infestation. This article explains some of the risks houseflies can pose. Read on to find out more about the dangers of houseflies.
House flies carry diseases and parasites
First, if houseflies are allowed to reproduce within your home, the consequences can be serious. These insects feed on decaying matter and can contaminate food with various kinds of bacteria. Moreover, these germs may include harmful ones that could make you sick or even cause death in some cases. For example, flies have been found carrying over 100 pathogens including viruses, fungi and bacteria, and these are things you want to keep out of your home. In addition, houseflies can also carry other parasites such as ticks and mites which they pick up from dead animals. In some cases, these may be harmful to humans. If you notice them in your kitchen or bathroom, you must take measures to eradicate the infestation immediately.
Some species of houseflies can bite
Some species of houseflies can bite and this can cause swelling and pain. While it is rare, there are some species of houseflies, such as the horsefly, that act more like hornets or bees in their behaviour when they bite. Usually, these bites will be painful but not serious. However, the housefly bite may also result in symptoms such as fever and vomiting.
Houseflies can breed very rapidly
One of the main reasons you need to take action quickly is because flies reproduce at an incredible rate. Houseflies can lay up to 500 eggs which hatch into larvae. The larvae then develop into pupae and then adult flies as the season changes and summer arrives. Therefore, you need to take action fast to stop the spread of these pests.
Houseflies may attract other pests
Another reason you should take action quickly if you have a housefly infestation is that there may be other secondary pests that are attracted to the flies. For example, a large number of flies will soon attract the local spider population as they are a source of food.
If you have a problem with houseflies in your home, you should contact a local pest control company today. A contractor will be happy to visit your property to offer any assistance you may need. Contact a pest control service to learn more.